
Showing posts from September, 2020

Journal 3

     Today I watched a YouTube video by a Yoga practitioner called " Strength Side" his name is Josh. To be honest I loved learning from him. His voice was calming he took his time on every position so his audience could get into it, he was also very assuring. I had a niggling back pain at the beginning of the exercise but by the time the video had ended I felt both loose and pain free. I recommend anyone to check him out he has beginner videos all the way to intermediate, and I definitely will use him again. The Instructors technique of working with breath, breathing before each pose was instrumental for me because I realized the less I struggled with my breath and actually tried to clear my mind, the easier it became to let myself stay in the pose, I actually loved, the impact of his class on my techniques, his videos taught me to work smarter not harder, and I think this should go for all beginner Yoga practitioners when learning.

Journal 2

 After watching this movie, The main character reminded me of Dana Scully the female protagonist of the show X-Files. I felt this in the aspect that after all evidence of aliens were shown to her and every single monster she encountered, she still didn't agree that aliens existed, just the same with Nick he still did not see the benefits of Yoga after practicing it for so long., He finally came around to the truth of it in the end, So that was good.      I really enjoyed seeing the different perspectives each Yogi because though each all had their own ways of practicing yoga, they still were aiming for the same thing. something important that one learns when practicing yoga is malleability, and flexibility ( they both go hand in hand), i think this was something that I learned from the movie, and that isn that essentially theres not only one end goal with Yoga. It has its spiritual purposes, It also has its physical benefits and you can use Yoga to reach whatever goal you want to b

My First Day of Yoga - Journal 1

 Day 1   My first day truly giving my all into Yoga was interesting. I had done Yoga many times before but only for stretching, So when I searched up "Hot Yoga Intermediate" I was in for a ride.......... I was anxious to see if my body could really get into this different positions or not, and I was right. I couldn't breathe in these positions, I felt ligaments and muscles in my body, that I didn't even know I had. I was in pain for the rest of the day, and cursed how sour I was. but I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of it, the positions i was naturally able to get into gave me some sort of Euphoric feeling being able to mold myself into it, I am going to keep practicing yoga to see how far I can go in this endeavor, hopefully quite far, I truly believe the sky is the limit with this.