Journal 3

     Today I watched a YouTube video by a Yoga practitioner called " Strength Side" his name is Josh. To be honest I loved learning from him. His voice was calming he took his time on every position so his audience could get into it, he was also very assuring. I had a niggling back pain at the beginning of the exercise but by the time the video had ended I felt both loose and pain free. I recommend anyone to check him out he has beginner videos all the way to intermediate, and I definitely will use him again.

The Instructors technique of working with breath, breathing before each pose was instrumental for me because I realized the less I struggled with my breath and actually tried to clear my mind, the easier it became to let myself stay in the pose, I actually loved, the impact of his class on my techniques, his videos taught me to work smarter not harder, and I think this should go for all beginner Yoga practitioners when learning.


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